宣言 - 平面設計
宣言 - 平面設計
Manifesto is an independent bilingual publication developed for Shanghai design retailer Design Republic and created by neri&hu. Manifesto started as a slim volume about furniture and brands but has extended beyond being a marketing tool for design republic, becoming a manifesto of both design republic and neri&hu’s ideologies – it has become an extension of who we are as an inter-disciplinary practice. Each issue of Manifesto explores areas of contemporary culture, design, architecture, art and fashion, challenging our normative perception of design. Manifesto engages creative minds in a collective discourse on issues related to design and its impact on the world we live in.
neri&hu develops all content and designs each issue.
2010年度德国红点设计大奖, 德国红点设计博物馆“宣言”杂志, 优秀设计奖
2009年度亚洲最具影响力设计大奖(DFA),中国香港设计中心“宣言”杂志, 传讯设计书刊类铜奖